Vehicle Details

VIN 5FNRL5H97CB011372
Price $4,995.00
Condition Used
Status Active
Sale Price $4,995.00
Mileage 237,032
Year 2012
Make Honda
Model Odyssey Touring
Body Type Minivan
Stock 011372
Fuel Type Gasoline
Transmission Automatic
Exterior Gray
Interior Gray Leather

Wheels4Hope cars offered for sale have been evaluated in our garage using a 10-page checklist covering safety, operational, and mechanical items. Identified problems have been repaired. Oil Change and Filter NCSI Wheels4Hope Cary has vehicles for sale Mondays - Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM . This and other vehicles can be seen and purchased then at Wheels4Hope, 411 E. Durham Rd., Cary, NC 27511. (919) 832-1941.